Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hemorrhoids Treat The Cause Not The Symptoms

These 3 treatments are meant to provide some measure of relief so you can begin to function normally again. Yet, as I have stated, they are not long term solutions to curing your hemorrhoids. To really be free of your suffering you need a hemorrhoids home remedy that is safe, effective and treats the cause - not just the symptoms. And you want to see results in a short amount of time.

Bleeding hemorrhoids torment many people, even though many people may not realize how common it is. As the hemorrhoid condition deteriorates, whether with external or internal hemorrhoids, bleeding can occur. Your doctor should be consulted if you see blood on the toilet paper after using the bathroom or if you find blood present after you move your bowels. You will receive an appropriate once the doctor has identified the exact nature of the problem.

Hard Stools contribute to internal hemorrhoids: Unnaturally hard stools which are difficult to pass through the anal canal cause pain and can cause sufficient damage to cause internal hemorrhoids. Ensuring a high intake of foods such as vegetables, fruits and cereals whill help soften stools.

Luckily there is a natural remedy for hemorrhoids that apply to most people disregarding their ages, male or female. This natural type of remedy is best suited to those individuals who are shy to face the problem with others. Most importantly, it is less cost compare to operation or surgery of hemorrhoids removal and ointments or medicine. This natural remedy for hemorrhoids is completely risk-free and effective. it just like a miracle within hours after the treatment take place and you will shock and amaze with the proven and successful results.

Hemorrhoids are actually varicose veins in the anus and rectum. They occur when blood vessels that are either inside the anus or around it become swollen. The more swollen they become, the more painful they are. Hemorrhoids may cause bleeding, and their constant irritation could lead to itching. However, most often itching is a sign of pinworms or an overgrowth of Candida albicans.

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