Understanding what causes hemorrhoids during pregnancy will allow you to take control and relieve the misery these nasty little fellows are having on your life right now. Although millions of people of all ages suffer from hemorrhoids, this may be your first experience and can prove to be a very distressing time for you.
A hemorrhoid is a condition that is caused by the enlargement and swelling of the veins in and around the anal canal. People with constipation and strained bowel movements are more prone to be a victim of this painful condition that is otherwise known as piles or rectal lump. There are two types of hemorrhoids ?internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. In most cases, internal hemorrhoids that occurs in the inside walls of the rectum, remain undetected until they start to bleed or exhibit other symptoms such as pain or discomfort. External hemorrhoid, on the other hand, can be sensed through touch around the anus. Itching around the anal opening, pain during bowel movement or while sitting, lumps around the anus and blood secretion are some of the symptoms of hemorrhoids. An external hemorrhoid is the more dangerous of the two, which, if undetected, can lead to painful conditions like thrombosed hemorrhoids. If your family has a medical history of colon cancer, make sure that you get yourself checked by a medical practitioner to clear up any doubts about the cause of your symptoms.
Use the sitz bath. You can use the warm sitz bath every day for about 10 to 20 minutes each time. Just dip your waist down to the buttock into the bath. This will enable the cooling of the hemorrhoids to take place. In addition, the hemorrhoids will also shrink in size, more so if you also add in other natural ingredients to reduce the hemorrhoids.
The witch hazel in a cream base is known to help discontinue the bleeding of internal hemorrhoids. In addition, it can help ease pain, itching, and help decrease the swelling. You can also find witch hazels pads that are easier to use than the cream.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids also include unfinished bowel movements. This means that after you've been to the bathroom, your bowels still don't feel like it's empty. With this also comes straining which means it may be painful to go to the bathroom. In turn, this may make your hemorrhoids worse.
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