-You can also make use of hemorrhoid creams which are easily available in most local pharmacies and local drug stores. These creams reduce inflammation. Its worth noting that creams work differently for different people and most of them dont provide long term solutions to hemorrhoids. (Click the links in the last paragraph below to discover how you can treat hemorrhoids permanently)
Hemorrhoidal pads and creams are also effective use if you want to get rid of hemorrhoids. You can use the pads to clean your rectum after passing stool. They are better than using tissue papers which can leave residues behind and irritate the hemorrhoids. Meanwhile, creams can give you instant relief from the pain and itch caused by hemorrhoids. Make sure that the area is clean before applying it.
In most of the cases, hemorrhoids are primarily caused by inflammation and swelling of blood vessels resulting from constipation. Foods and wastes generally get stuck in your bowel and create a blockage. When your bowel is blocked, you develop a strain on the vessels in your rectum. Now the key reason behind constipation is more related to poor or reduced diet. Ultimately, you can treat constipation and hemorrhoids, by making changes to the food that you consume.
Maintain a normal bowel movement and eat foods that are rich in fiber. Also increase your intake of fluids like water and fruit juices. Normal bowel movement is at least 3 times every week. This will ensure that feces have not lump together into one big mass when you try to excrete them. Fiber-rich foods are fruits, whole wheat bread, oat meal and green leafy vegetables. This will ensure that fecal matter will be soft with smooth surfaces. Fruit juices and water will also help in keeping your feces soft.
Over the counter hemorrhoids treatment are only applicable among small to medium sizes of hemorrhoids. Over the counter hemorrhoids treatment include hemorrhoids cream and ointment, as well as petroleum jelly and other laxatives. Hemorrhoid cream that are antiseptics and hydrocortisone are said to be good in minimizing swelling and irritation.
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